
LLMs for Policy Interpretation

LLMs may be the key to making reinforcement learning policies more understandable.
Deep reinforcement learning has proven to be a highly successful method for creating intelligent systems in recent times. However, the policies - which determine the actions of an agent based on its environment – are often complex, opaque, and difficult to understand. [Read More]

Importing Vanilla JS Files

How to break up your code into multiple files when using vanilla JS.
Here’s a little tip which allows you to use ES6 import/export syntax in your vanilla JS files in supported browsers (over 95% at the time of writing). [Read More]

Deep Learning Interview

Transcript of an interview filmed for La Trobe University's Deep Learning subject
This interview was conducted by Zhen He of La Trobe University, Melbourne, for his subject CSE5DL - Deep Learning. My answers were prepared before the interview and filmed for presentation throughout the course. [Read More]